Pack your gym bag like a minimalist

by Josh Wakerman on Wednesday 08 December 2021

5 min read

If there’s one thing we could all do less with, it’s stress. Too much clutter is a major stressor but it is often overlooked.  

Even though you may not consciously notice, that second water bottle, spare pen and multiple other random little things that have been sitting at the bottom of your gym bag, could actually be adding to your stress levels without you realising. 

Studies show that physical clutter (aka things you think you need, but don't) and it's visual distraction, can increase stress, affecting your ability to focus and potentially reduce our working memory.

Before we get into decluttering your gym bag or any bag at that matter – there are some things you should know about minimalism: 

It isn't about giving up everything

There’s no need to be extreme. If you’re going to live with the bare minimum, then all you really need is food, water and air; that’s simply called survival, not being a minimalist.

Be intentional with your items

Many of us hold onto our things because we hold strong psychological values to them like memories, love, hopes for the future, or aesthetic delight. The "love of stuff" is very human.

But by being intentional with what you bring and removing the stuff you don’t like, have pent-up frustration toward, such as those gym shorts that are way too tight & ride up (we all have a pair, don't deny it), and unnecessary trinkets that you've come to believe will help on a rainy day - you can focus on the important things. Your workout and where you'll go for the day.

You’ll appreciate the level of freedom your mind and hands will have because you won’t have such a heavy bag with multiple items within, competing for your attention.

4 steps to minimalist success 


Empty the contents of your bag. Everything.  

Marie Kondo, organisation guru and author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, recommends putting out all the items you've removed from your bag in one place so you can see everything you actually bring with you. This way you’ll realise just how much less you need, and you can use that motivation to stay organised. 

Pack only the essentials

Identify your "must have" items.

That could be headphones, socks, towel, water bottle, toiletries and change of clothes. Prioritise space for those few items and you will travel comfortably.

If it feels like too much of a big change and you're not ready to go without all your other items, experiment packing lighter by removing one less thing at a time.

 "KonMarie" your clothes

Arguably one of the most important steps in making your gym bag look all kinds of Insta-worthy.  

If you need to pack gym clothes, work clothes, even your towel, use the KonMari method for folding. Not only will you feel organised, but you'll be able to make sense of the space in your bag so you can actually see where everything is.

Fantastic and functional! What other reasons do you need, really? 

Be more conscious

Minimalism is all about being more conscious of your possessions and of what you do. It’s about treating your items well, and being mindful of the things that you own. 

The moral or the story is that if you treat your items well, they’ll treat you well.  If you let go of clutter, and things that you don’t need, you’ll have more time to focus on what’s important.

Ready to carry your new minimalist gym bag? 

We have 10 incredible clubs in Sydney and Melbourne, with over 200 classes offered weekly and open gym layouts, plus luxury locker room facilities where you'll be able to use your new gym bag like a (minimalist) boss. Book a tour today!

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